The E-Sylum (12/20/2020)
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This press release from PMG describes some of the highlights ofthe Andrew Shiva collection of National Bank Notes.-Editor
Paper Money Guaranty® (PMG®) is thrilled to announce that itrecently certified the extraordinary collection of National Bank Notes assembled by Andrew Shiva, one ofthe hobby's foremost authorities on this fascinating currency. The expansive, museum-quality collectionincludes the rarest, most intriguing and most valuable National Bank Notes known to exist.
National Bank Notes were printed between 1862 and 1935. During this time, a bank could apply toparticipate in the National Banking System, and, once "chartered" by the Federal government, the bankwas allowed to issue and circulate notes under its name.
There are four major categories of National Bank Notes: First Charters (Original Series and Series of1875); Series of 1882 (Brown Back, Value Back and Date Back); Series of 1902 (Red and Blue Seals);and, finally, Series of 1929 (Type 1 and Type 2 Small Size National Bank Notes). These categoriesrepresent major design shifts in the series.
Although earlier paper currencies had been created in the United States, National Bank Notes wereextremely successful because they were trusted locally by people who knew the local bank, but theycould also circulate nationally.
In all, 12,635 banks participated in the National Banking System and printed their own unique currency.The notes represent the territories, states and cities that comprised a developing nation as well as theenterprising people who drove the country's progress. In the scope of US currency, "Nationals" alsoserved as an influential precursor to today's Federal Reserve-issued currency.
Ironically, Andrew Shiva was not in the US when he became aware of early American banknotes. At aParis flea market in 1989, he noticed an unusual piece of paper money - something he had never seenbefore - a two-dollar bill from 1917. He was captivated by the engraving and artwork, but not even surewhat it was.
When Shiva asked the proprietor of the stand about the bill, the man retorted, "It is your money." And sobegan Shiva's pursuit of US paper money issued before the current era.
After starting with a collection of US Type Notes, Shiva decided to move into National Bank Notesbecause of the numerous collecting options and avenues presented by Nationals. In 1995, Shiva sold hisUS Type Note collection and turned to the collection of National Bank Notes exclusively.
Many collectors of Nationals focus on a particular state, town, bank, type, denomination or evensignature, but Shiva's collection is one without specific limitations. Indeed, he started with the broad goalof collecting 10 great notes from every state, but even that limitation did not hold, as the collection grew toinclude thousands of notes based on his own criteria for what is a great note.
The result is a collection in which nearly every piece is a highlight - whether because of rarity, a notablesignature or distinct combination of attributes. Here is just a sampling:

The only $500 First Charter in private hands - Of the three $500 National Bank Notes in existencetoday, two of the original series notes issued by the Appleton National Bank of Lowell, Massachusetts arein institutional collections (the Smithsonian's National Numismatic Collection and the Federal ReserveBank of Chicago). The Shiva note, a Series of 1875 issued by the First National Bank of the City of NewYork, is the only example in private hands. While a $1,000 First Charter note was issued, none are knownto exist.
Uncut Serial Number 1 $5 Brown Back Sheet on Marlow, Indian Territory - There are only six uncutterritorial sheets known, and two are in the ANA's Bebee Collection. The Shiva example is the only #1territorial sheet known to exist. It was issued by the First National Bank of Marlow, Indian Territory, whichopened in 1901 and closed in 1909. During that time, the bank issued just over 4,000 notes, but the onlyfour that have survived are found on this uncut sheet.

$10 Brown Back, The First National Bank of Juneau, Territory of Alaska - This is the only BrownBack on Alaska and one of only two notes from the "Territory of Alaska" (versus the "District of Alaska").And, it's serial number one.
Over the course of amassing his collection, Shiva has contributed notes as well as his research toexhibits at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History, and even helped to digitizethe Smithsonian's National Numismatic Collection with the goal of making museum pieces available tothe public and expanding awareness of the country's numismatic history.
"Assembling this collection has been a wonderful challenge that has brought me immense joy over theyears," said Shiva. "From the first time that I spoke with PMG about its CrossOver service, I could tell thatthey shared my passion and enthusiasm. The experience of working with PMG through the certificationprocess - from the second-to-none customer service to the graders' expertise to the superior PMGholder and high-resolution imaging - has been fantastic."
"One of the first things that struck me about Andrew is how much he cares about the collectingcommunity," said Mark Salzberg, PMG Chairman. "His collection is without a doubt one of the mostimpressive that I've ever seen, but I was equally impressed with his knowledge and his willingness toshare that knowledge. Andrew, thank you for giving PMG this amazing collection to certify and allowingus to disseminate all of the information that can be learned from your incredible achievement."
Shiva's collection represents a staggering accomplishment that serves as inspiration for current andfuture collectors. One intriguing note can be the start of a lifelong passion and meaningful contribution tonot only the hobby, but also history.
In addition to authenticating, grading and encapsulating each note in Shiva's collection, PMG imagedevery note in high-resolution. These images will be made available to the public through a comprehensiveonline gallery at in the near future. With Shiva's careful attention to detail, the gallery willbe organized into collector-friendly categories so that everyone can enjoy the depth and quality of hismagnificent collection.
Additional highlights from Shiva's collection will be shared on a regular basis throughout 2021. To receivethe latest news and research from PMG, subscribe to the free PMG eNewsletter at