A. George Mallis
Born in Springfield, Massachusetts. He attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Received B.S. from Lafayette College in 1939 and civil engineering degree in 1942. Married Dorothy Rosamond Wruck July 4, 1940. He served in the Army during WW II 1939 to 1946. Employed as a civil and consulting engineer. With Mylchreest & Reynolds 1946 to 1950; with Henry Ludorf 1950 to 1951; with C. A. Maguire & Associates 1951 to 1953 and with Munson and Mallis 1953 to 1967. President of Mallis & Hervieux, Inc., architects and engineers after 1967, now retired. One of his buildings was the National Basketball Hall of Fame.
He served on the Assay Commission in 1962. He was a member of the Masons and a Shriner.
He contributed the "Coinversationally Speaking" column to Coin World after November 10, 1976. Author with Breen of United States Silver Dollars, Morgan Type, a Completely Illustrated Reference With Rarity Table; A Standard Reference on Morgan Type Silver Dollars From 1878-1921 in 1965. Author of List of Die Varieties of Morgan Head Silver Dollars in 1966. Author with Leroy Van Allen of Guide to Morgan and Peace Dollars in 1971. Author with Leroy Van Allen of Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars. A Comprehensive Catalogue and Encyclopedia of U.S. Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars in 1976.
He was on the staff of First Coinvestors, Inc. Coins from his collection were included in a Pine Tree auction in 1977.
bio: WWEast 74-75 obit CW 2/7/2000, NN 1/18/2000, NUM 3/00
Source credit: Pete Smith, American Numismatic Biographies