Joseph King Fenno Mansfield
Born in New Haven, Connecticut. He entered West Point before he was 14 years old. Graduate of West Point in 1822, second in his class. Married Louisa Mather September 25, 1838. They had four children.
He was assigned to engineering of coastal defenses. Served in Mexican War 1846 to 1848 under Zachary Taylor. Mansfield was promoted to brigadier general effective May 14, 1861. During the battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) his troops were wavering and he rode into the thick of battle. He was shot and died the following day.
Mansfield appears on paper money:
$500 Legal Tender Notes, series 1874, 1875, 1878 and 1880
bio:ApCAB;DAB; Drake; Limpert; NCAB 4; TCBDA; WWWA-H
Source credit: Pete Smith, American Numismatic Biographies