Born in Bucharest, Rumania (Romania). Received a degree in history from Franz Josef University in 1936. She moved to Rome in 1939 and came to America in 1951. She spent 14 months in the Buchenwald concentration camp. Married to Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli December 29, 1938. They had one son.
She assisted her husband at Coin Galleries. She joined the Smithsonian staff in 1957. In 1973 she received the Smithsonian gold medal for exceptional service. Appointed Executive Director of the National Numismatic Collection of the Smithsonian Institution September 1983. In 1992 she received the ANA Medal of Merit and Farran Zerbe Memorial Award in 1996. Retired July 1, 2000. She died in a hospital in Arlington, Virginia.
Author with Vladimir of The Beauty and Lore of Coins Currency and Medals issued in 1974 at $25. Also wrote with Vladimir Chartered for Progress, Two Centuries of American Banking issued in 1975 at $14.95. Author of Select Numismatic Bibliography in 1965 and Numismatic Bibliography in 1985. Her other books include Russian Gold Coins (1962), Italian Coin Engravers Since 1800 (1965) @ $.75, Numismatics, An Ancient Science (1965) @ $1.00, Artistic Evolution of Medals in the United States (1971), Medals Commemorating Battles of the American Revolution (1973) and The Medals of the United States (1973).
profile: Legacy II/2; NN 11/15/94 obit: CW: 10/22/2001; NUM 12-01
Select a year
21 entries found for [year:1965]
Augustus Humbert Ash-Tray
Item describes an ash tray attributed to Augustus Humbert with provenance information. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
Bank of California. $30.00 Ingot. 1867
Document provides description of $30.00 gold ingot produced by the Bank of California in 1867. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
Argenti and Co. $38.00 Ingot. 1851
Document provides description of $38.00 gold ingot produced by the Argenti and Company in 1853. Document date is approximate. History of company also described in document. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
Gold sampling - list for Prof. Gordon
Handwritten document with list of gold coins. One original of list with two photocopies of list . Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Descriptive notes regarding USAOG and Franklin Hoard materials.]
Handwritten notes and diagrams describing USAOG $20 gold coins and other gold ingots. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
Article describing Confederate States of America gold bar or ingot and history behind its production at the Dahlonega mint. Pictures of bar included. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Catalog of $50 United States gold patterns]
Article that is a catalog of $50 gold coins with descriptions and the history of known pieces. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs United States Assay Office of Gold $20 coin]
Includes 4 enlarged photographs of United States Assay Office of Gold $20 gold coin with 3 negatives. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs Eagle Minting Co. ingot or bar]
Includes 3 enlarged photographs of Eagle Minting Company gold ingot or bar with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs Eagle Minting Co. ingot or bar]
Includes 1 enlarged photographs of Eagle Minting Company gold ingot or bar with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs Knight and Co. Assayers ingot or bar]
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of Knight and Company Assayers gold ingot or bar with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs gold ingot or bar]
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of gold ingot or bar with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs No.27 gold ingot or bar]
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of gold ingot or bar labeled "No.27 Gold 999Fine 4.52OZS. 1875" with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs TM CO. ingot or bar]
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of "TM CO. SA[...]AL." gold ingot or bar with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs \NO.93\" gold ingot or bar]"
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of "NO.93" gold ingot or bar with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs Spain Colonial gold ingot or bar]
Includes 2 photographs of Spanish colonial gold ingost or bars. Stamp "62-981" and written note "15t 025." on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs Spain Colonial gold ingot]
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of Spanish colonial gold ingots or bars and note card. Note card is from Stack's Galleries and has written notes "PHSV XXIII"� M Sidney Smith Jack Cuomo" on back. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs United States Assay Office of Gold $5 gold ingot]
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of a gold ingot or bar marked "DOLL5. 9000THOUS. 1855" with 1 negative. Stamp "If reproduced or resold credit should be given The Smithsonian Institution Negative #" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Negative of Black and Agnall Assayer gold ingot]
Includes 1 negative of gold ingot or bar marked "Black and Agnall Assayers SAC. CAL." . Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Negatives of Humbert gold ingot]
Includes 2 negatives of gold ingot or bar marked "A. Humbert / U. S. Assayer / 1 11 999 THOU / United States Assay / Office of Gold / San Francisco / California. 1853. Images of obverse and reverse of bar. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.
[Photographs Colonial Spain gold ingot]
Includes 2 enlarged photographs of two different Spanish colonial gold ingot or bar. Stamp "Toogood's Photography E. Bay St. and William St. Nassau, Bahama Islands" on back of each photograph. Document date is approximate. Ex Clain-Stefanelli archives; donated in 2013 by Dwight N. Manley to the American Numismatic Association.