Resident of Bethesda, Maryland. Married to Deborah with five children. Employed as a certified public accountant.
Author of American Half-Cents - The Little Half Sisters in 1971. Two thousand copies were printed. A second edition was published in 1982. He made a presentation at the ANS COAC in 1984. The EAC honored Cohen with their annual award in 1990. obit: NUM 103 Sep 1990 page 1504; DOD: SSDI
Select a year
10 entries found for [year:1980]
Cohen Photographs
Archival photographs of Roger Cohen.
Martin Baer Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Martin Baer.
Bob and Cindy Grellman Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Bob and Cindy Grellman.
Ricky Gross Correspondence
Correspondence between Ricky Gross and Roger Cohen.
Half Cent Envelopes from the Munde Collection
Half cent envelopes from the Munde collection. Date approximate.
Half Cent Envelopes from the Munson Collection
Half cent envelopes from the Munson collection. Date approximate.
Bill Luebke Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Bill Luebke.
Dick Punchard Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Dick Punchard.
Richard Shimkus Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Richard Shimkus.
John Ward Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with John Ward.