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Resident of Bethesda, Maryland. Married to Deborah with five children. Employed as a certified public accountant.

Author of American Half-Cents - The Little Half Sisters in 1971. Two thousand copies were printed. A second edition was published in 1982. He made a presentation at the ANS COAC in 1984. The EAC honored Cohen with their annual award in 1990. obit: NUM 103 Sep 1990 page 1504; DOD: SSDI


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8 entries found for [year:1981]

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    Carvin Goodridge Correspondence 1981

    Carvin Goodridge Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Carvin Goodridge.

    2nd Edition Photographs 1981

    2nd Edition Photographs

    Provenance records of half cent images in Roger Cohen's 2nd edition work on half cents.

    Robert P. Hilt Correspondence 1981

    Robert P. Hilt Correspondence

    Correspondence between Robert P. Hilt and Roger Cohen.

    Photos, Second Printing, Second Edition 1981

    Photos, Second Printing, Second Edition

    Photographic prints of the coins depicted in the 2nd edition of Cohen's book on U.S. half cents.

    The Asylum 1981

    The Asylum

    Contains material related to the controversial exchange of letters published in The Asylum between Cohen and Jack Collins. Letters dated 1981-1982.

    Walter Breen Material 1981

    Walter Breen Material

    Folder of criticism related to Walter Breen's book on United States half cents. Includes various reviews of the Breen work, including those authored by John Wright and Frank Wilkinson. Correspondence related to legal action threatened against Cohen for his statements regarding the Breen work.

    Walter Breen (Doug Winter) Correspondence 1981

    Walter Breen (Doug Winter) Correspondence

    Letter from Roger Cohen to Doug Winter 9/8/83, discussing his Half Cent article in Steve Ivy's C.V.I. Report and Cohen's disagreements.

    Rod Widok Correspondence 1981

    Rod Widok Correspondence

    Assorted correspondence with Rod Widok.

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