Resident of Bethesda, Maryland. Married to Deborah with five children. Employed as a certified public accountant.
Author of American Half-Cents - The Little Half Sisters in 1971. Two thousand copies were printed. A second edition was published in 1982. He made a presentation at the ANS COAC in 1984. The EAC honored Cohen with their annual award in 1990. obit: NUM 103 Sep 1990 page 1504; DOD: SSDI
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7 entries found for [year:1987]
Folder on Col. E.H.R. Green Collection
Group of material, mostly collected by Frank Wilkinson, on the Green Collection and make-up, including Supreme Court decision on the case. Milt Pfeffer letter on how to get the material from Boston Courts, appraisal of Green Estate, Dillon Anderson letter (who was Anderson-Dupont?) with Eric Newman and Tett responses, and letter from 1988 detailing Newman responses among other things.
Half Cent Surveys
Halg cent surveys dated 7/31/87, January 1988, July 1988, October 1988, and June 1989.
Mark Hayes Correspondence
Assorted correspondence between Mark Hayes and Roger Cohen.
Rick Leonard Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Rick Leonard.
Mike Packard Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Mike Packard.
Pete Smith Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Pete Smith.
Frank Stillinger Correspondence
Assorted correspondence with Frank Stillinger.