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U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 48, Treasury Dept. Circulars)

National Archives (NARA) series description: This series consists of copies of circulars issued by the Department of the Treasury used to transmit orders, directives, policies, and other information to Department officers. Most are from the Office of the Secretary, although there are also others from the Bureau of the Mint, Office of the Treasurer, Auditor's Office, and the Comptroller's Office. Several circulars contain copies ofexecutive orders. 

The circulars relate to civil service, personnel, the filing of bonds, rates for various expenditures, general administrative policies, the U.S. value of foreign coins, and other topics. Also included are lists of superintendents, assayers, and department personnel.

The NARA transfer number for this series is 8KRA-104-84-48.

NARA catalog record is at See also the National Archives & Records Administration numismatic finding aids at


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    Treasury Department Circulars, 1873-1906 1873

    Treasury Department Circulars, 1873-1906

    Treasury Department Circulars, 1873-1906, from the records of the U.S. Mint (at Denver now) in the National Archives (NARA). Scanned at NARA in Denver, courtesy of John Graffeo.  NARA identifier is record group 104, 8KRA-104-84-048.

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