U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 33, Press Copies of Letters from the Superintendent) to the Treasury Dept. 1915-1918
National Archives online catalog entry is https://catalog.archives.gov/id/2619387. See also the National Archives & Records Administration numismatic finding aids at https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/archivedetail/538870.
National Archives series description: This series consists of copies of letters sent by the Superintendent of the U.S. Mint, Denver. Most of the letters were addressed to the Director of the Mint and the Auditor of the Treasury, although earlier letters were also sent to the Solicitor of the Treasury and also to the Secretary of the Treasury.
The letters concern the furnishings of the offices of the Mint, the acquisition of supplies, the appointment of personnel, and reports of operations. These reports give monthly statistics on the amount of bullion received and metals produced.Scanned at the National Archives in Denver, courtesy of John Graffeo. Local identifier is 8KRA-104-84-033.
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Press Copies of Letters Sent from the Superintendent to the Treasury Department, 1915-1918.
Denver Mint correspondence scanned at the National Archives (NARA) in Denver - covering the period 1915-1918. NARA identifier is record group 104, 8KRA-104-84-033. Courtesy of John Graffeo.