Josiah Fox (1763–1847) was a British naval architect noted for his involvement in the design and construction of the first significant warships of the United States Navy. [Wikipedia]
The finding aid for the Josiah Fox papers at the Peabody Essex Museum is here.
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Josiah Fox to Tench Francis, 1/24/1798
Correspondence from Fox to Francis regarding copper from the U.S. Mint used for the Frigate Constitution.
From the Josiah Fox papers at the Peabody Essex Museum, courtesy of Roger W. Burdette. Transcription follows.
War Office
January 24, 1798
Tench Francis
War Department
Be pleased to inform the Secretary of War of the five tons of copper had from the Mint for the Frigate Constitution has been paid for out of the monies appropriated for the Naval Department; also of what monies have been paid for andirons for the frigate furnished by the contractors in
the State of New York.
The Secretary of the Treasury says that there are due to other departments about 20 thousand dollars for articles, etc. drawn from these departments for the Naval Service. Will you be so kind as to furnish the Secretary of War with a list of such articles and their exact amount, that they may be included in the Naval estimates.
Josiah Fox [Navy Constructor]
The copper was paid for by Mr. Francis.
Mr. Garett thinks there is not more than 4000 dollars due on their books at the end of 1797.
The xxx to the Frigate purchased of xxxx of New York and paid by the Secretary of the Treasury.
The copper purchased from the Mint for the use of the Frigate, was not bought by me.