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Born in Waterloo, Iowa. Graduated from Drake University. Receive masters degree from University of Illinois and from University of Iowa and Ph.D from Iowa. He taught at the University of Alabama and University of Oklahoma.

Author of American and Canadian Countermarked Coins (1987).

He died at Unity Point Allen Hospital at Waterloo.

obit: The E-Sylum 11/29/2020


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4 entries found for [year:2013]

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    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: A through D 12/1/2013

    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: A through D

    Gregory G. Brunk's unpublished manuscript from December 2013. 

    This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.

    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: E through L 12/1/2013

    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: E through L

    Gregory G. Brunk's unpublished manuscript from December 2013.

    This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.

    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: M through R 12/1/2013

    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: M through R

    Gregory G. Brunk's unpublished manuscript from December 2013.

    This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.

    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: S through Z 12/1/2013

    Gregory G. Brunk Manuscript: S through Z

    Gregory G. Brunk's unpublished manuscript from December 2013.

    This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.

      Page 1 of 1
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