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James C. Booth was the U.S. Mint (Philadelphia) melter and refiner from 1849-1887. His papers are at the Science History Institute in Philadelphia (, link accessed 4/2021).


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2 entries found for [year:1852]

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    Wants analysis of aluminum in mineral water 10/8/1852

    Wants analysis of aluminum in mineral water

    Extract from the James C. Booth papers at the Science History Institute (Phialdelphia). Booth was the U.S. Mint (Philadelphia) melter & refiner from 1849-1887. Metadata courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.

    Sends sample of aluminum in mineral water 10/19/1852

    Sends sample of aluminum in mineral water

    Extract from the James C. Booth papers at the Science History Institute (Phialdelphia). Booth was the U.S. Mint (Philadelphia) melter & refiner from 1849-1887. Metadata courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.

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