German-American engraver, diesinker. Born Germany, 1864. Came to America 1893. Founded August C. Frank Company, Philadelphia, 1894. He was probably the only engraver for the firm in early years, later he accepted dies engraved by others that his firm would strike. After he died the firm was operated by his sons but ultimately sold to Medallic Art Company, 15 September 1972. Died Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 31 October 1946.
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3 entries found for [year:1900]
Frank Davison's Procedure on Oxidizing Bronze
From the archives of the August C. Frank Company. Frank (1864-1946) was a German-American engraver and diesinker. Document date is approximate.
Athletic Medals And Charms
Athletic medals and charms offered by the August C. Frank Company, circa 1900. From the August C. Frank Company archives.
Janvier Reducing Machine
Three photographs of the Janvier reducing machine used in the August Frank shop in Philadelphia, c. 1900. The fourth photograph is a pantograph, possibly Model 1-G, made by the George Gorton Machine Co., Racine, WI. This type of pantograph was made to cut molds for cast ornaments. In this case, an original is at lower right and the mold being cut is at left. The spring balanced tracing point has been removed from the chuck to better show the equipment.
August Frank was a manufacturer of medals. Photographs courtesy of Rebekah Stafford.