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Martin Gengerke's American Numismatic Auctions provides the following overview:

"Bangs, Brother & Co. (1853-1856); Bangs, Merwin & Co. (1856-1876); Bangs & Co. (1876-1900).

Some Bangs sales were cataloged by numismatists such as Sage, Anthon, Cogan, Levick, Haines, Feuardent, Sampson & Snyder, and Randall, and are listed under their names. Others were cataloged by what John Adams refers to as "nameless ignorami," a description that is in some cases charitable.

Bangs also served as the physical facility for many other firms, including Chapman, Cogan, Haseltine, Proskey, Strobridge and Woodward."

John Adams lists 25 Bangs sales between 1855 and 1889, while Gengerke lists 97 sales from 1841 to 1898. The two lists are almost exclusive, overlapping for seven sales only (Adams 3, 6, 9-12, 23). We include in this group sales listed by either Adams or Gengerke.

Data source: Martin Gengerke


Past Auction Results

2 entries found for[year: 1874]

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    BANGS, MERWIN & CO, 12/14/1874

    1874 Dec 14
    Total Realized: $0.00
    Type: Live
    # of Lots: 166

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