A. Langford
UK auction house, c. 18th century.
Data source: content provided by auction company.
Past Auction Results
6 entries found
Displaying records 1 — 6Select a year
A catalogue of the genuine, entire and curious collection of gold, silver, and brass coins, medals, and medallions, of Sylvester Bolton, Esq., late of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant, deceased ... [03/22/1753]
1753 Mar 22
Total Realized: $0.00
Type: Live
# of Lots: 92
Museum Meadianum : sive, catalogus nummorum, veteris aevi, monumentorum, ac gemmarum, cum aliis quibuidam, artis recentoris et naturae operibus, quae vir clarissimus, Richard Mead, M.D., nuper defunctis comparaverat. [02/11/1755]
1755 Feb 11
Total Realized: $0.00
Type: Live
# of Lots: 593
Museum Meadianum : sive, catalogus nummorum, veteris aevi, monumentorum, ac gemmarum, cum aliis quibuidam, artis recentoris et naturae operibus, quae vir clarissimus, Richard Mead, M.D., nuper defunctis comparaverat. [02/11/1755]
1755 Feb 11
Total Realized: $0.00
Type: Live
# of Lots: 663
A catalogue of the genuine and entire collection of curious coins, medals, and medallions, in gold, silver, and brass, of Ebenezer Mussell, Esq., of Bethnal Green, deceased ... [02/11/1765]
1765 Feb 11
Total Realized: $0.00
Type: Live
# of Lots: 421
A catalogue of the genuine and entire collection of Greek, Roman, and other coins and medals, of Angel Carmey, Esq., late of Ranelagh Row, Chelsea, deceased, likewise his valuable collection of gems, pictures, clocks, watches, Dresden china, and other curious effects ... [02/18/1766]
1766 Feb 18
Total Realized: $0.00
Type: Live
# of Lots: 160
A catalogue of the genuine, curious, and wellknown collection of Greek, Roman, and other coins and medals, of Mr. Thomas Grainger, late in the possession of Mr. Joseph Tolson Lockyer, Esq., deceased ... [02/26/1766]
1766 Feb 26
Total Realized: $0.00
Type: Live
# of Lots: 336