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Catalogue of a valuable and choice collection of American and foreign tokens ... the remaining portion of the cabinet of Wm. Leggett Bramhall, Esq. ... [03/26-27/1860]

Auction Summary

The March 26, 1860 New York Times reported on this sale as follows (courtesy of Q. David Bowers):

Sale of Coins

A large and curious audience assembled last evening at the auction rooms of George A. Leavitt & Co., No. 377 Broadway, the occasion being the sale of the large and valuable collection of Mr. William Leggett Bramhall. Medals were not appreciated, yet some of the rarest and most desirable brought $4 and $5 each.

The early American coins seemed to be more in demand; a Flying Eagle dollar sold for $8; cents of 1793, $5.25; 1799 $11.25; 1804, $2.50; 1809 $1.5; and 1843 $4.5. A Massachusetts Pine Tree threepence of date 1632, one of the first of the American colonial coinage, brought $6.25; a silver Proof Republican medalet sold for $2.25; a large assortment of English tokens in fine condition realized from 10 cents to $1 each.

The excitement for old coins and kindred curiosities, which sprung up a year or two ago, seems now to be extending all over the country. The sale will be resumed this afternoon at 4 o’clock.

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