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Numismatic Notes and Monographs, nos. 50-55


Periodical Summary

Nos. 50-55 of the ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs series, containing the following works: Notes on the ancient coinage of Hispania Citerior (Sir George Francis Hill, 1931, no. 50), The Russian imperial orders (Alan W. Hazelton, 1932, no. 51), Corinthian hoards (Corinth and Arta) (Oscar Ravel, 1932, no. 52), The symbols on staters of Corinthian type: A catalogue (Jean B. Cammann, 1932, no. 53), An Egyptian hoard of the second century A.D (Shirley H. Weber, 1932, no. 54), The third and fourth Dura hoard (Alfred R. Bellinger, 1932, no. 55).
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