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2017 American Liberty High Relief Design Portfolio


Book Summary

A portfolio of candidate designs for the 2017 American Liberty High Relief coinage. Significant for the portrayal of Miss Liberty as African-American. The Mint Act of April 2, 1792, specified the usage of a figure "emblematic of Liberty" on silver and gold coinage, and, while this legislation has been modified through the years, the 2017 coinage carries on this tradition in a historically important way.

Note: While all of the designs in this database were presented to both the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts in open session during public meetings, the designs are not necessarily in the public domain.   Many of the designs were created by private contract artists who assigned their copyright in the designs to the United States Mint.  In addition, many of the designs incorporate insignia and other elements that may be the property of independent third parties who provided limited permission for such use.  Any private use of any of these designs may occur only with the explicit permission of the United States Mint. 

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