Beck, John Andrew (1900)
Book Summary
John A. Beck numismatics correspondence, c. 1900-1920, scanned from photocopies of originals in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Courtesy of Wayne K. Homren. Correspondents include Edward Michael, H. E. Morey, C. H. Shinkle (Myers & Shinkle), Matt Raphael, Wayte Raymond, R. R. Reed, Jacob Roth, Royal Money & Stamp Co., L. Ruben, Joseph Rublisnky, F. W. Ruskanoff, D. L. Passavant(?), May Warren Peck, James B. Pelletier, W. P. Pierce, David Proskey, Spink & Son, Burdette G. Johnson (St. Louis Stamp & Coin), Stamp and Coin Exchange (W. P. Brown), Charles Steigerwalt, Elmer S. Sears, Harlan P. Smith, Sutro & Co., Superintendent of the U.S. Mint at San Francisco (Thaddeus W. H. Shanahan), Luther Tuthill, William von Bergen, Walter F. Webb, C. P. Wilcomb, L. A. Wolff, Howland Wood, Farran Zerbe.