Schou, H.H. (1926)
Book Summary
Schou, H.H. BESKRIVELSE AF DANSKE OG NORSKE MØNTER 1448–1814 OG DANSKE MØNTER 1815–1923. Copenhagen: Numismatisk Forening, 1926. 4to, contemporary tan half calf with decorative sides; spine with four raised bands, ruled and lettered in gilt; all page edges marbled. (10), 380, (8) pages; (4) pages; 51 very fine plates. Binding rubbed and a bit worn. Very good or better. A massive and exceptionally well-illustrated work on Danish and Norse coins of late medieval/early modern periods, with coverage continuing for Danish coins well into the 20th century. Still the standard work, and the first copy we’ve handled in five years. Clain-Stefanelli 8785*. Grierson 186.