Lawrence, David
Lawrence is a pen name for David Feigenbaum. Born in New York City. Received degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University. Received M.S. and Ph.D. in oceanography from the University of Miami. Married Lynn Friedhoff in 1963. They had a son and a daughter.
Coin collector since 1951. Established David Lawrence Rare Coins (DLRC) in 1979 specializing in Barber coins. Co-founder of the Barber Coin Collectors Society in 1989.
David and son John are owners of DLRC Press. Since 1991 they have published the "Complete Guide to" series with books by Al Blythe, Bruce Fox, Brian Greer, David Lange and Lawrence. They also published the 1992 Van Allen/Mallis book on silver dollars.
Lawrence is the author of Complete Guide to Barber Dimes, Complete Guide to Barber Quarters and Complete Guide to Barber Half Dollars.
Bio by correspondence, 1993; The E-Sylum 11/5/23
5 entries found
Displaying records 1 — 5The Complete Guide to Barber Quarters, First Edition
"The Complete Guide to Barber Quarters, First Edition" by David Lawrence.
The Complete Guide to Barber Dimes
"The Complete Guide to Barber Dimes" by David Lawrence.
The Complete Guide to Barber Halves
"The Complete Guide to Barber Halves" by David Lawrence.
The Complete Guide to Barber Quarters, Second Edition
"The Complete Guide to Barber Quarters, Second Edition" by David Lawrence.
The Complete Guide to Barber Quarters, Second Edition
The Complete Guide to Barber Quarters, Second Edition by David Lawrence. This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.