Martin, Lee
Born as Martin Lee Goodman in Great Falls, Montana. Attended several photography schools 1937 to 1946. Served in U.S. Air Force 1943 to 1945. Married to Alice in 1958 with one child.
Employed with various photography studios 1946 to 1964. Advertising manager for Miller Publications and COINage 1965 to 1982.
Martin collects elongated coinage, antiques, art, books and lapidary objects. Founder of the Numismatic Literary Guild in 1968. Founder of Numismatic Collectors of Orange County. Past president of The Elongated Collector, California Collectors of Elongateds and several California coin clubs.
Writer of more than 3000 articles in COINage, Coin Mart, Coin World, Colliers Encyclopedia, The Numismatist, Rarities, TEC News and others.. He contributed a weekly column in the Orange County Register. His articles were republished in Coin Columns in 1967. Contributor to the ANA beginners and Intermediate correspondence courses.
Author of Today's Elongateds in 1974. Author with Dottie Dow of Yesterday's Elongated in 1981.
He has produced about 100 educational videos for numismatics, lapidary, knitting machines and others.
bio by correspondence, 1994
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Displaying records 1 — 1Yesterday's Elongateds
Yesterday's Elongateds by Lee Martin and Dottie Dow. This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.