Miller, Henry
Born in Philadelphia. Graduate of Williams College in 1867. Never married. He conducted research in mining in the Rocky Mountains. He taught at the Trenton Normal School in 1876. Principal of Hasbrock Institute of Jersey City until 1881. Principal of the Dwight School in New York. Later employed with Goodbody & Co, brokers in New York City.
Miller contributed coins to four auctions. His collection of large cents and half cents was sold by Thomas Elder April 13-14, 1917. They realized more than $8000. Another group was sold at auction by Thomas Elder May 26- 29, 1920. The collection was strong on English and Roman coins. The American colonial section included his collection of cents of Connecticut.
Author of The State Coinage of Connecticut. It was originally published in the AJN in 1919.
obit: NUM 33 May 1920 pages 118, 215
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The State Coinage of Connecticut by Henry C. Miller. This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.