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Wolka, Wendell


Born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Received BSME from Purdue University in 1971. Employed by Johnson Controls 1971 to 1992. Employed with Ranco North American.

Wolka collects Indiana currency, French and French colonial currency, and medals of Luther and the Reformation. Served on the board, as librarian and as president for the SPMC. Board member of CSNS. He is the frequent host of ANA banquets and the NLG Bash.

He was named a Numismatic News Numismatic Ambassador in 1985.

He has contributed articles to Bank Note Reporter, Coin World, and Paper Money magazine. Author with Jack M. Vorhies and Donald Schramm of Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip issued in 1978. It is one of the series published by the SPMC. Author of A History of nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete bank Notes and Scrip (2004).

Elected to the ANA Board in 2007. He received the ANA Glenn Smedley Memorial Award. In 2023 he received the ANA Lifetime Achievement Award.

bio by correspondence, 1991


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    Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip 1978

    Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip

    "Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip" by Wendell A. Wolka, Jack M. Vorhies and Donald A. Schramm. This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.

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