Cohen, Roger
Resident of Bethesda, Maryland. Married to Deborah with five children. Employed as a certified public accountant.
Author of American Half-Cents - The Little Half Sisters in 1971. Two thousand copies were printed. A second edition was published in 1982. He made a presentation at the ANS COAC in 1984. The EAC honored Cohen with their annual award in 1990. obit: NUM 103 Sep 1990 page 1504; DOD: SSDI
2 entries found
Displaying records 1 — 2American Half Cents: The "Little Half Sisters"
American Half Cents: The "Little Half Sisters", by Roger S. Cohen, Jr., 1971.
American Half Cents: The "Little Half Sisters" (Second Edition)
American Half Cents: The "Little Half Sisters" (Second Edition), by Roger S. Cohen, Jr., 1971.