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Dunn, R. W.

Compiler of the Kenworthy-Dunn Checklist (1932) of transportation tokens. It was produced as loose leaf sheets in a three ring binder.


2 entries found

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    The Kenworthy-Dunn Check List 1932

    The Kenworthy-Dunn Check List

    A privately circulated work on transportation tokens, originally compiled by Kenworthy, who passed his work along to Dunn, who circulated this duplicated typescript on a very limited basis. Ex. Eric P. Newman XI, lot 15847, sold by Heritage Auctions in November 2018.

    Kenworhty-Dunn Check List 1940

    Kenworhty-Dunn Check List

    Early listing of tranportation tokens. Publish date is approximate. This copy, from the Newman collection, contains a loose leaf noting "Exessively rare Kenworhty-Dunn list. 3 copies known. Fuld, lot 724."

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