Eidlitz, Robert
Born in New York City. Graduated from Cornell University in 1885. Studied architecture at Berlin Polytechnic. Architect. Employed with Marc Eidlitz & Son, Inc. They built the ANS Audubon Terrace building.
He collected architectural medals and donated his collection to the American Numismatic Society.
Author of Medals and Medallions Related to Architects (1927). He received the Archer M. Huntington Medal in 1927.
He died in New York City.
1 entries found
Displaying records 1 — 1Medallic portraits of Matthew Boulton and James Watt.
[13 p., 7 pls. ; 32 cm,200 copies of this book have been printed and the type distributed. This is number 154.]. Copy from American Numismatic Society library rare book room.