Felt, Joseph
Born and died in Salem, Massachusetts. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1813. Married Abigail Adams Shaw, niece of Abigail Adams, September 18, 1816. She died in 1859. Married Catherine Bartlett Meacham November 16, 1862. He briefly taught school and studied for the ministry. He had a parish at Sharon, Massachusetts, 1821 to 1824 and at Hamilton, Massachusetts, until he retired in 1833. Felt served as librarian for the Massachusetts Historical Society 1842 to 1854.
Author of A Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency in 1839 with reprint in 1968.
bio: ApCAB; DAB; Drake; NCAB 23; TCBDA; WWWA-H
1 entries found
Displaying records 1 — 1An historical account of Massachusetts currency
History of Massachusetts colonial coins and paper money.