This coin is mentioned in the an- nals of Bombay as early as the middle of the seventeenth century, and while its value varied to some extent, it was gen- erally accepted as equal to the fourth part of a Fanam. Specimens of Pice, as well as halves and doubles, exist in both copper and lead.
In 1835 an Act was passed in the Presi- dency of Bengal making the Pice legal tender for one sixty-fourth of the East India Company Rupee. The copper Pice of today retains this ratio and is divided into three Pies.
Among the varieties of the Pice for- merly current in the Deccan and other parts of Hindustan, two of the principal ones were known as the Seorai, equal to one sixty-fourth of the Chandor Rupee, and the Jamodi or Siahi, equivalent to one fifty-sixth of a British Rupee. See Paisa.
The Gazetteer of Aurungabad , 1884, cites the following in reference to the coins of the Deccan : " The copper coins that prevailed were the Seorai, Jamodi, Dhabbu, and Siahi. The Seorai-pice weighed 11 1/2 mashas, equal to 172 1/2 grains troy, and 16 gaudas of them, viz. 64, were given in exchange for a Chandor Rupee. The Jamodi, or Siahi-pices, were exchanged at the rate of 14 gaudas, viz. 56, for a Surti or British Rupee. The Dhabbu weighed 18 mashas, equal to 270 grains troy, and was exchange at 8 gaudas, viz. 32, for a Chan- dor Rupee. The Siahi and Dhabbu are still sparingly current. "
See Also: Pice
Source: Frey's Dictionary (American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 50, 1916)