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Nameplate.  A metallic item bearing a name, often with other data. Nameplates are seldom diestruck (unless a large quantity of the same design are needed), but are usually made by machine engraving, acid etched or photoengraved. Stock medallic nameplates – modeled and diestruck – have been made as gravemarkers for some fraternal organizations; these, of course, would have the deceased’s name and dates inscribed to customize it. Nameplates are sometimes given special corner treatment to add an artistic touch, as rounded, round cornered, clipped cornered or such, the most popular of which with four circular notched corners, called cartouche. Nameplates are frequently used to identify works of art (called cartoccio in Italian). Nameplates are also made as a disk for casters of bronzes.  See panel.


excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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