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United States of America Lifesaving Medal (LS-2)

Image Information

Type Medal
Title United States of America Lifesaving Medal (LS-2)
Country United States
Side reverse
Composition silver
Diameter 63 mm
Description Alan V. Weinberg comments: This superb, cased, gem Proof silver LS-2 and the abv cased LS-1 both came from the same source & I chased them tactfully for perhaps 20 yrs thru two owners. The LS 1 in silver may be unique. The LS 2 exists in perhaps 5-7 silver specimens but this is by far the finest. I've never seen a bronze LS-2 but have seen perhaps a dozen LS 1's in bronze. The primitive obv design on the LS 2 of a bearded bedraggled man amid storm-tossed waves is strangely appealing but no doubt led to a short life for this design- hence the medal's rarity. Golds were allegedly struck but I never heard a whisper of one being extant. Nor a bronze, for that matter. White metal specimens exist but they are likely not of US Mint origin, based on my several examinations. In original case.

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Image Collection Alan V. Weinberg Collection (Lifesaving Medals)
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