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Tuscaloosa Steamship Lifesaving Medal

Image Information

Type Medal
Title Tuscaloosa Steamship Lifesaving Medal
Country United States
Side obverse
Composition gold
Diameter 58 mm
Weight 79.5 gm
Description Alan V. Weinberg comments: Original case. 1840's (I researched it but forgot the exact date of the event)"Deep South"? Tuscaloosa, Alabama paddlewheel steamboat "Hewitt" rescue of another steamboat engulfed in flames and sinking. Unusual expression on the reverse referring to the obv.What few large gold medals were made in the ante bellum Deep South certainly did not survive the hostilities and the financially beleagured Confederacy. What there was went into the melting pot to finance the War. What survived the melting pot was raided or confiscated by the North's rampaging soldiers. This medal is extraordfinary in both its quality and rarity.

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Image Collection Alan V. Weinberg Collection (Lifesaving Medals)
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