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WILLIAM 3RD 1690 (PI-3)

Image Information

Type Coin
Title WILLIAM 3RD 1690 (PI-3)
Country England
/Catalog #
Description Copper disc or coin. This is apparently a medal celebrating the victory of William III at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. It appears to be both engraved and counterstruck with the following slogans. ?THE GLOURIOUS AND IMMORTAL MEMORY / (BUST OF KING WILLIAM III) // KING & CONSTITUTION / (ROYAL ARMS)? There are die-struck medals known with these same devices displayed that were likely issued about 1800. The piece was acquired by the seller at an estate sale north of Boston in 2016. Unfortunately, he knew nothing more about it. Purchased from Jonathan Brecher / Boston. Massachusetts, USA (Fb. 2, 2017) ($29).

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