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IV / FF (PI-29)

Image Information

Type Coin
Title IV / FF (PI-29)
Date 1916
Country England
/Catalog #
Denomination 1p
Description English penny, 1816. ?IV? stands for Irish Volunteers and ?FF? for Fianna Fail (Army of Ireland). These two sets of initials are lightly scratched over the bust of the King. The toning of the legends match that of the coin so I believe the piece is authentic. The seller told me it was found tucked up in the thatch roof of an old outbuilding on his property. This is an unusual and important issue likely related to the 1916 Easter Rising and / or the 1919/ 1921 Irish War of Independence. Please see the ?Notes? section of this report for a detailed explanation. Purchased from Adrian Roughneen / Swinford, Co. Mayo, Ireland. (Jn. 14, 2019) ($20).

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