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TGBNF  (BC-11)

Image Information

Type Coin
Title TGBNF (BC-11)
Date 1978
Country England
/Catalog #
Denomination 2p
Description Stands for "Thirteen Gone But Not Forgotten. We Got Eighteen & Mountbatten." This is a reference to an IRA (South Armagh Brigade) ambush committed against British paratroopers (1 Para) at Warrenpoint, Co. Down on August 27, 1979 that killed 18 soldiers. The thirteen represents the number of civilians shot dead by the same army unit in the Bogside, Derry on January 30, 1972 during a civil rights march. Lord Louis Mountbatten, the Queen's cousin, was killed later the same day (August 27, 1979) in a separate IRA bomb attack on his yacht in Mullaghmore Harbor, Co. Sligo. Received in change at MaGuire's Garage in Newry, Co. Armagh / Down, N. Ireland Sp. 30, 1979.

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