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Vote Paisley UUAC  (HC-21)

Image Information

Type Coin
Title Vote Paisley UUAC (HC-21)
Date 1980
Country Eire
/Catalog #
Denomination 10p
Description UUAC is an acronym for United Unionist Action Council, a Loyalist labor organization. See "Glossary" entry for more information. This coin is the only Holyhead issue that wasn't dug. It was found in a job lot by the seller. The stamps are poorly applied with many overstamps and incomplete letters. The slogans are difficult to decipher. The coin's surfaces are bright and clean unlike most of the other Holyhead examples. Purchased from Stuart Rainford / Heswall, Cheshire, UK. (Ot. 21, 2019) ($8).

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Image Collection Irish Political Tokens (Holyhead Collection)
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