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IRA Fiann (N-27)

Image Information

Type Coin
Title IRA Fiann (N-27)
Date 1969
Country England
/Catalog #
Denomination 10p
Description The word "fiann" can loosely be translated as "warrior" or something similar. It's the singular form of "fianna." Please see Glossary entry for an explanation. The counterstamps are poorly struck. The obverse reads IRA, but above the I is another horizontal I. perhaps placed there in error. The reverse slogan apparently reads "Fiann", but is also badly applied. The "A" is upside down, and the two "Ns" appear to be from a "Z" punch turned on it's side. An interesting and unusual example. Purchased from Tom Hart / Ottery St. Mary, Devon, UK. (Sp. 20, 2019). ($2).

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