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IRISH // I (PI-42)

Image Information

Type Coin
Title IRISH // I (PI-42)
Date 1723
Country Ireland
/Catalog #
Denomination farthing
Description The coins stamped IRISH are hard to classify and translate. At this date I've seen four examples, including this one. I have another in my collection (N-84) struck on a 1922 English Half Crown. Two others documented in my census are applied to an 1877 English Penny and a 1922 English Florin respectively. All are struck across the portrait which suggests a Nationalist expression. The range of dates is extraordinary, but all illustrate a universal message that is both intriguing and mysterious. Woods Hibernia coinage dated 1722 / 1724 was struck for use in Ireland to alleviate a shortage of small currency. Later, after the issue was semi-demonetized in 1737 the remaining coins were shipped to the American colonies for use there. While this stamp appears very old, it doesn't likely date back to the 1720's. The coin is dark and slightly grainy but is still appealing. It's holed for suspension, but the piercing is minimally abused so apparently little used. Purchased from Lee Burgess / Bedale, N. Yorkshire, UK. (Nv. 2, 2020) ($1+). The coin was discovered by the seller among a large lot of coins he bought in 2019 from an ex-policeman friend from Richmond, N. Yorkshire. The I struck on the reverse is either random or a purposeful defacement.

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