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Image Information

Type Coin
Title DERRY / 1912 (SERPENT)
Date 1899
Country England
/Catalog #
Denomination farthing
Description Many consider 1912 the start of the Irish revolution and Derry was certainly a large part of it. The year saw the introduction of the third Home Rule bill in Parliament, the signing of the Solemn League and Covenant pledging Unionist resistance to such a plan, and the forming of both the IRA and UVF. The purpose of the charm or medallion is unclear but is certainly connected somehow to theses historic events. It's odd that some effort was made to file of the reverse of this farthing and to scallop the edges, but the actual engraving is quite amateurish. The meaning of the coiled serpent or snake is also uncertain. The lack of significant distress to the piercing suggests that it was little displayed. It also appears that it was gilt though most of it is now missing. The seller discovered the piece in a large lot of coins bought from the Stroud Auction Rooms in Gloucestershire in late 2020. Purchased from Mark Henderson / Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland. (Jl. 29, 2021) ($57).

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