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Type Currency
Title HRFS
Country England
Denomination pound
Description English 1-Pound note / S/N C29X848155 / Chief Cashier Jasper Hollom (1962-1966). This issue was continued until 1984 and withdrawn in 1988 in favor of a 1-Pound coin. This is the first note I've seen specifically aimed at the Scottish independence movement. The seller found the banknote among belongings of his late father who was born in Scotland. The family often vacationed there so it was likely acquired during one of their visits. Circular rubber stamp in black ink applied in the upper right corner on the reverse of an English 1-Pound banknote. The stamp was a stock item originally sold by Glasgow publishers Scottish Secretariat. The condition of the host is poor and exhibits holes, tears, discoloring and, unfortunately, is torn in two. (Bought from James Carey, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK.) Ag.7, 2021 ($7).

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