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(Richmond Patent / 1625-1634) Purchased from Andrew Howitt / Bingham, Nottinghamshire, UK. (Mr. 18, 2024) ($49). This small 17mm copper farthing was issued during a period of great turbulence in Irish history. Though not directly tied to an emergency or siege event it seems a good fit in this collection. There are a number of varieties associated with these coins that includes the Richmond, Maltravers, and Rose emissions. All were struck with a privy mark to help combat counterfeiting. There are dozens of marks so far identified. This is a much better example than PI-78 and has identifiable devices. The privy mark is a dagger and makes this hook-fronted harp variety scarcer than others with the same dagger mark. The coin is identified in the Everson reference as #76 and in Peck as #157. |