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Type Coin
Date 1951
Country Eire
/Catalog #
Denomination florin
Description (Eire Florin / 1951) Purchased from Daniel Case / Baldwinsville, New York, USA. (Ar. 11, 2024) ($10). This is a reference to a Northern Irish politician named Gregory Fitt. He served in many capacities in both the political and social arenas. He was the first Deputy Chief Executive of Northern Ireland, a member of Parliament for West Belfast, and a member of the House of Lords. He also was a leader of the Social Democratic and Labor Party (SDLP) from 1970 to 1979. Many considered him a Nationalist politician but he always referred to himself as a Socialist. The slogan is carefully engraved across the salmon on the reverse of the coin. While this could either be classified as a Nationalist or a Loyalist issue, I've chosen to label it Loyalist. As all of the coins in the collection with the exception of one are Loyalist issues I've designated this one the same.

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