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C4 Videos

Multi-media content from the Colonial Coin Collectors Club. See also (link verified 1/2023).


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4 entries found for [year:2019]

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    Fugio Coppers 5/30/2019

    Fugio Coppers

    Before committing to building the US Mint, the government experimented with contract coinage, which led to the Fugios. They were an irrefutable failure with a story full of unethical decisions. Sponsored by C4 (Colonial Coin Collectors Club).

    Vermont Coppers 10/24/2019

    Vermont Coppers

    Hoping to reduce the number of counterfeits in circulation, Reuben Harmon Jr. minted copper coins for Vermont. With two drastically different types over four years of minting, this series deserves a closer look. Sponsored by C4 (Colonial Coin Collectors Club).

    New Jersey Coppers 10/24/2019

    New Jersey Coppers

    In the difficult economy following the Revolutionary War, the states found themselves in need of coinage. Four men in New Jersey tried to help the situation, but not without their own share of disagreements. Sponsored by C4 (Colonial Coin Collectors Club).

    Connecticut Coppers 10/24/2019

    Connecticut Coppers

    In an attempt to drive counterfeits from circulation, a group of men in Connecticut formed the Company for Coining Coppers and began to mint Connecticut Coppers in 1785. Did they succeed in reducing counterfeits? Not exactly. Sponsored by C4 (Colonial Coin Collectors Club).

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