American Numismatic Association Money Talks [Radio, 1992-1993]
Radio segments produced by the American Numismatic Association beginning in October 1992. Segments were two and a half minutes long. The executive producer was James Taylor and the narrator ("Ana, the ANA genie") was Phyllis Pflegar. Sponsors included Heritage, Superior, PNG, Coin World, Coins Magazine, Numismatic News, and Western Publishing. Digitized from cassette tapes loaned by Wayne K. Homren. See also Money Talks: A Radio Program on the History and Lore of Money (ANA, 1996).
Select a year
22 entries found for [year:1993]
Money Talks
ANA Money Talks episodes for January 1993, as follows:
January 4, 1993 (no. 66): U.S. Colonial Bungtown Tokesn (written by Robert Leonard).
January 5, 1993 (no. 67): The Widow's Mite (written by Gerald Tebben).
January 6, 1993 (no. 68): Propoganda Coins (written by Gerald Tebben).
January 7, 1993 (no. 69): Overstruck Coins (written by Richard Doty).
January 8, 1993 (no. 70): Experimental U.S. Coins (written by Gerald Tebben).
January 11, 1993 (no. 71): Alexander Hamilton's Birthday (written by Frank Van Valen).
January 12, 1993 (no. 72): Cut Coins (written by Robert Leonard).
January 13, 1993 (no. 73): Canadian Blacksmith Tokens (written by Robert Leonard).
January 14, 1993 (no. 74): Russian Wire Money (written by David Vagi).
January 15, 1993 (no. 75): Decimal Coinage (written by Frank Van Valen).
January 18, 1993 (no. 76): Martin Luther King (written by Ralph Ross).
January 19, 1993 (no. 77): The California Gold Rush (written by Mark Van Winkle).
January 20, 1993 (no. 78): Presidential Inaugural Medals (written by Bill Jones).
January 21, 1993 (no. 79): The Trade Dollar (written by David Vagi).
January 22, 1993 (no. 80): Coinage of Champions: The Issues of Olympia (written by Robert W. Hoge).
January 25, 1993 (no. 81): Broken Bank Notes (written by David Vagi).
January 26, 1993 (no. 82): Holey Dollars (written by David Vagi).
January 27, 1993 (no. 83): The Fugio Cent (written by David Vagi).
January 28, 1993 (no. 84): Old Coppernose (written by Scott T. Rottinghaus).
January 29, 1993 (no. 85): The Roosevelt Dime (written by James Taylor).
Martin Luther King and Numismatic Tributes
ANA Money Talks for January 18, 1993, featuring a piece on Martin Luther King, Jr. written by Ralph Ross.
Money Talks
ANA Money Talks episodes for Febrary 1993, as follows:
February 2, 1993 (no. 87): X-Rated Money (written by Gerald Tebben).
February 3, 1993 (no. 88): Cut Crusader Gold (written by Robert Leonard).
February 4, 1993 (no. 89): Military Payment Certificates (written by Matthew Rockman).
February 5, 1993 (no. 90): Mexican Constitution Day (written by Nawana Britenriker).
February 8, 1993 (no. 91): The Assay Commission (written by Kenneth Bressett).
February 9, 1993 (no. 92): Foreign Coins in the United States (written by David Vagi).
February 10, 1993 (no. 93): The Carson City Mint (written by David Vagi).
February 11, 1993 (no. 94): Love Tokens (written by Bill Fivaz).
February 12, 1993 (no. 95): Lincoln's Birthday (written by Frank Van Valen).
February 15, 1993 (no. 96): British Decimal Coinage (written by Scott T. Rottinghaus).
February 16, 1993 (no. 97): The Ionians: Founders of the Classical World (written by Robert W. Hoge).
February 17, 1993 (no. 98): African-Americans on Coins (written by Gerald Tebben).
February 18, 1993 (no. 99): The Three-Dollar Gold Piece (written by Robert Leonard).
February 19, 1993 (no. 100): World War II Internment Camps (written by Fred Schwan).
February 22, 1993 (no. 101): Washington's Birthday (written by Frank Van Valen).
February 23, 1993 (no. 102): Fractional Currency (written by David Vagi).
February 24, 1993 (no. 103): Ash Wednesday (written by David Vagi).
February 25, 1993 (no. 104): The Bank of the United States (written by Gene Hessler).
February 26, 1993 (no. 105): The National Bank Act of 1863 (written by Gene Hessler).
Money Talks
Money Talks episodes for March 1993, as follows:
March 2, 1993 (no. 107): Texas Independence Day: Republic of Texas Currency (written by Mark Van Winkle).
March 3, 1993 (no. 108): The Three-Cent Piece (written by David Vagi).
March 4, 1993 (no. 109): Money in Colonial Pennsylvania (written by John Kraljevich, Jr.).
March 5, 1993 (no. 110): Depression Scrip (written by Lawrence Korchnak).
March 8, 1993 (no. 111): The Mint's First Coin (written by Bill Jones).
March 9, 1993 (no. 112): "'Tis Death to Counterfeit" (written by Bill Jones).
March 10, 1993 (no. 113): The First Official U.S. Paper Money (written by Gene Hessler).
March 11, 1993 (no. 114): The Silver Dollar Girl (written by Thomas LaMarre).
March 12, 1993 (no. 115): The Birth of the Double Eagle (written by Thomas LaMarre).
March 15, 1993 (no. 116): "To Every Roman Citizen He Gives...": Coinage of Julius Caesar (written by Robert W. Hoge).
March 16, 1993 (no. 117): The Gold Recall Act of 1933 (written by Mark Van Winkle).
March 17, 1993 (no. 118): St. Patrick's Day (written by Norm Appelbaum).
March 18, 1993 (no. 119): Michael III and the End of Iconoclasm (written by Christopher T. Connell).
March 19, 1993 (no. 120): Heads or Tails, Obverse of Reverse? (written by David Vagi).
March 22, 1993 (no. 121): Edge Lettering on U.S. Coins (written by Bill Jones).
March 23, 1993 (no. 122): The First Steam Coin Press (written by Jules Reiver).
March 24, 1993 (no. 123): The Bland-Allison Act (written by James Taylor).
March 25, 1993 (no. 124): The Turtle Coinage of Aegina (written by Kerry Keith Wetterstrom).
March 26, 1993 (no. 125): King Farouk: King of Collections (written by Thomas LaMarre).
March 29, 1993 (no. 126): The Charlotte Mint (written by James Taylor).
March 30, 1993 (no. 127): The 1792 Half Dismes Are Delivered (written by Bill Jones).
March 31, 1993 (no. 128): Our Two Cents' Worth (written by David Vagi).
Money Talks
ANA Money Talks episodes for April 1993, as follows:
April 1, 1993 (no. 129): April Fool's (written by David Vagi).April 2, 1993 (no. 130): The U.S. Mint (written by David Vagi).
April 5, 1993 (no. 131): Buddha (written by James Taylor).
April 6, 1993 (no. 132): Passover (written by David Vagi).
April 7, 1993 (no. 133): Civil War Tokens Used as Money (written by Bill Jones).
April 8, 1993 (no. 134): Maundy Money (written by Scott T. Rottinghaus).
April 9, 1993 (no. 135): Thirty Pieces of Silver (written by Kerry Keith Wetterstrom).
April 12, 1993 (no. 136): The Lost Cause (written by Gerald Tebben).
April 13, 1993 (no. 137): Thomas Jefferson (written by Frank Van Valen).
April 14, 1993 (no. 138): David Rittenhouse (written by Kenneth Bressett).
April 15, 1993 (no. 139): Tax Day (written by Kerry Keith Wetterstrom).
April 16, 1993 (no. 140): A Philadelphia Socialite Models for Early U.S. Coins (written by Bill Jones).
April 19, 1993 (no. 141): The Peace Dollar (written by Mark Van Winkle).
April 20, 1993 (no. 142): Africa's Mints (written by Charles Surasky).
April 21, 1993 (no. 143): Rome's Birthday (written by Matthew Rockman).
April 22, 1993 (no. 144): Earth Day (written by John Kraljevich, Jr.).
April 23, 1993 (no. 145): Siege Coins: instant Money in Time of War (written by Lawrence Korchnak).
April 26, 1993 (no. 146): A Priceless Confederate Half Dollar (written by Mark Van Winkle).
April 27, 1993 (no. 147): The Racketeer Nickel (written by Mark Van Winkle).
April 28, 1993 (no. 148): How to Start a Coin Collection (written by Kenneth Bressett).
April 29, 1993 (no. 149): Needed: A $1 Coin (written by Jim Benfield).
April 30, 1993 (no. 150): The Kentucky Derby (written by Kerry Keith Wetterstrom).
Money Talks
ANA Money Talks daily episodes for May 1993, as follows:
May 4, 1993 (no. 152): The Fall and Recapture of the New Orleans Mint (written by Henry Hettger).
May 5, 1993 (no. 153): Cinco de Mayo (written by Nawana Britenriker).
May 6, 1993 (no. 154): Communion Tokens (written by Wayne Homren).
May 7, 1993 (no. 155): Nazi Forgeries of the British Pound (written by David Vagi).
May 10, 1993 (no. 156): Continental Currency (written by David Vagi).
May 11, 1993 (no. 157): Francis Spinner (written by Thomas LaMarre).
May 12, 1993 (no. 158): Saint-Gaudens' Masterpiece Modified with a Hammer! (written by Mark Van Winkle).
May 13, 1993 (no. 159): Jamestown (written by James Taylor).
May 14, 1993 (no. 160): Israel's First Coins (written by Bill Rosenblum).
May 17, 1993 (no. 161): The New York Stock Exchange (written by James Taylor).
May 18, 1993 (no. 162): 20-Cent Pieces (written by David Vagi).
May 19, 1993 (no. 163): Constantine the Great (written by Christopher T. Connell).
May 20, 1993 (no. 164): The Washington Quarter (written by Mark Van Winkle).
May 21, 1993 (no. 165): Charles Lindbergh (written by Marilyn Reback).
May 24, 1993 (no. 166): Victoria Day in Canada (written by Frank Van Valen).
May 25, 1993 (no. 167): Gold in Georgia and the Carolinas (written by Mark Van Winkle).
May 26, 1993 (no. 168): Confederate Cents (written by Mark Van Winkle).
May 27, 1993 (no. 169): Massachusetts' Silver Coinage (written by Kenneth Bressett).
May 28, 1993 (no. 170): The Fall of Constantinople (written by Christopher T. Connell).
May 31, 1993 (no. 171): The Peace Dollar (written by David Vagi).
Money Talks
ANA Money Talks daily episodes for June 1993, as follows:
June 2, 1993 (no. 173): Queen Elizabeth II (written by Scott T. Rottinghaus).
June 3, 1993 (no. 174): What's a Bit and What's It Worth? (written by Mark Van Winkle).
June 4, 1993 (no. 175): D-Day: June 6, 1944 (written by Frank Van Valen).
June 7, 1993 (no. 176): Edward VIII Marries Wallis Simpson (written by Kenneth Bressett).
June 8, 1993 (no. 177): Your Beard…Or Your Money (written by David Vagi).
June 9, 1993 (no. 178): America's First West Coast Cents (written by Charles Surasky).
June 10, 1993 (no. 179): The Gold Dollar is Authorized (written by Bill Jones).
June 11, 1993 (no. 180): To The Highest Bidder: The Throne of Rome (written by Matthew Rockman).
June 14, 1993 (no. 181): America's Most Symbolic Coin (written by Charles Surasky).
June 15, 1993 (no. 182): The Passing of the Large Cent (written by Bill Jones).
June 16, 1993 (no. 183): Millions for Defense: But Not One Cent for Tribute (written by Kenneth Bressett).
June 17, 1993 (no. 184): Valuable Coins in Circulation (written by Charles Surasky).
June 18, 1993 (no. 185): Waterloo (written by Matthew Rockman).
June 21, 1993 (no. 186): Queen Victoria Ascends the British Throne (written by Frank Van Valen).
June 22, 1993 (no. 187): The Mint Issues the First Quarter Dollars (written by Bill Jones).
June 23, 1993 (no. 188): Coin Redesign (written by Beth Deisher).
June 24, 1993 (no. 189): Canada's Thousand-Dollar Nickel (written by Thomas LaMarre).
June 25, 1993 (no. 190): Indian Peace Medals (written by David Vagi).
June 28, 1993 (no. 191): The Weight of Gold Coins is Reduced (written by Bill Jones).
June 29, 1993 (no. 192): The Second Fractional Currency Law (written by Bill Jones).
June 30, 1993 (no. 193): The Last Postal Notes Are Issued (written by Charles Surasky).
Money Talks
Money Talks daily episodes for July 1993 (excluding July 16), as follows:
July 2, 1993 (no. 195): July 4, 1826: One of the Great Historical Coincidences Occurs (written by James Taylor).
July 5, 1993 (no. 196): The Libertas Americana Medal (written by John Kraljevich, Jr.).
July 6, 1993 (no. 197): The 1861-O Half Dollar (written by Gerald Tebben).
July 7, 1993 (no. 198): The "V" Nickel (written by Gerald Tebben).
July 8, 1993 (no. 199): 1848 "CAL" Quarter Eagles Are Introduced (written by Bill Jones).
July 9, 1993 (no. 200): A Brief History of American Lotteries (written by Bill Jones).
July 12, 1993 (no. 201): In God We Trust (written by Scott T. Rottinghaus).
July 13, 1993 (no. 202): The Canadian $25 Jubilee Note (written by Thomas LaMarre).
July 14, 1993 (no. 203): Maintaining the Value of Your Proof Sets and Commemorative Coins (written by Bill Jones).
July 15, 1993 (no. 204): Hanna Hull's Dowry (written by Bill Jones).
July 19, 1993 (no. 206): Roman Plated Coins (written by Matthew Rockman).
July 20, 1993 (no. 207): The Half Cent (written by David Vagi).
July 21, 1993 (no. 208): A Foreign Monarch on a U.S. Coin? (written by Charles Surasky).
July 22, 1993 (no. 209): The Coinage Act of 1965 (written by Bill Jones).
July 23, 1993 (no. 210): Mormon Money (written by Robert Campbell).
July 26, 1993 (no. 211): The Hobby of Kings (written by Kenneth Bressett).
July 27, 1993 (no. 212): Pirates or Patriots? (written by Gerald Tebben).
July 28, 1993 (no. 213): The Golden Celebration of the Panama Canal (written by Mark Van Winkle).
July 29, 1993 (no. 214): The Cornerstone Is Laid for the First U.S. Mint (written by Bill Jones).
July 30, 1993 (no. 215): The First United States Gold Coins (written by Mark Van Winkle).
Money Talks
ANA Money Talks for July 16, 1993:
July 16 (no. 205): Encased Postage Stamps, written by David Vagi.
Money Talks
ANA Money Talks daily episodes for August 1993, as follows:
Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering September 1-15, 1993. Includes:
September 2, 1993 (no. 239): The Battle of Actium (written by Kerry Keith Wetterstrom).
September 3, 1993 (no. 240): Oliver Cromwell (written by Scott T. Rottinghaus).
September 6, 1993 (no. 241): I Owe My Soul to the Company Store (written by Barbara Gregory).
September 7, 1993 (no. 242): Kids and Coins (written by James Taylor).
September 8, 1993 (no. 243): Students Pay the Price (written by Barbara Gregory).
September 9, 1993 (no. 244): Consumer Protection (written by Julian Leidman).
September 10, 1993 (no. 245): Grandparents' Day (written by James Taylor).
September 13, 1993 (no. 246): The Lincoln Cent (written by Gerald Tebben).
September 14, 1993 (no. 247): The Soho Mint (written by Jules Reiver).
September 15, 1993 (no. 248): Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year (written by Bill Rosenblum).
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering September 16-29, 1993. Includes:
September 17, 1993 (no. 250): Constitution Day (written by James Taylor).
September 20, 1993 (no. 251): Is There Really Any Gold in Fort Knox? (written by Mark Van Winkle).
September 21, 1993 (no. 252): Artists' Signatures on U.S. Coins (written by Bill Jones).
September 22, 1993 (no. 253): The First U.S. Gold Eagles Are Issued (written by Bill Jones).
September 23, 1993 (no. 254): Islamic Numismatics (written by Kerry Keith Wetterstrom).
September 24, 1993 (no. 255): Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement (written by Bill Rosenblum).
September 27, 1993 (no. 256): Coin Designs To Be Changed Every 25 Years (written by Bill Jones).
September 28, 1993 (no. 257): Small Changes in Our Change Can Make Big Differences (written by Stanley F. Myers).
September 29, 1993 (no. 258): Odd and Curious Money (written by James Taylor).
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, for September 30. 1993.
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering October 1-15, 1993. Includes:
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering October 18-29, 1993. Includes:
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering November 1 to November 15, 1993, including:
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering November 16 to November 30, 1993, including:
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering December 1 to December 16, 1993, including:
ANA Money Talks
American Numismatic Association's Money Talks, covering December 17 to December 31, 1993, including:
The Best of ANA's Money Talks (Part 1)
Highlights from the ANA's Money Talks. Following opening remarks from Executive Producer James Taylor, the following programs are presented:
The Best of ANA's Money Talks (Part 2)
Highlights from the ANA's Money Talks series. Includes:
Promo Demo "Money Talks"
Demo tape for the ANA Money Talks Series. Includes: