U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Reports
Secretary of the Treasury reports contain information on money supply, bullion, banking, revenue and public debt, and other economic matters that affected the production of coinage and paper money. Many of these documents fall into the category of annual reports, but other documents appear within the series, as issued at the time.
Certain of the early reports (1790-1844), particularly the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of Finances, were bound into four volumes, and have been extracted into individual years. The original numbering is as follows:
Vol. 1 (1790-1814, combined index for all years included in 1814)
Vol. 2 (1815-1828, combined index for all years included in 1828)
Vol. 3 (1828-1836, combined index for all years included in 1836)
Vol. 4 (1837-1844, combined index for all years included in 1844)
Select a year
1 entries found for [year:1805]
Displaying records 1 — 1Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanied with sundry statements marked A, B, C, D, & E, ...
Summary of Mint operations for the year 1804, from the Secretary of the Treasury. The same text is in the American State Papers, finance (class 3), volume 2, no. 233.
Paul Hybert summary: "The required annual financial statements, on the operation of the mint, from Comptroller of the Treasury Duvall to Treasury Secretary Gallatin who relayed it to Congress."
A transcription is at: http://www.chicagocoinclub.org/lib/us/asp/cl03.finance/v2/n233.html.