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The E-Gobrecht is the monthly electronic publication of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club (, first issued in January 2005. Note, an index to Greg Johnson's "Quarter of the Month" columns is included under the year 2022.


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13 entries found for [year:2022]

Displaying records 1 — 13
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    E-Gobrecht (January 2022) 1/4/2022

    E-Gobrecht (January 2022)

    Vol. 18, no. 1, whole no. 204.

    E-Gobrecht 2/7/2022


    February 2022 issue, vol. 18, no. 2.

    E-Gobrecht (March 2022) 3/7/2022

    E-Gobrecht (March 2022)

    Vol. 18, no. 3, whole no. 206. The monthly e-newsletter of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club. Edited by Paul Kluth.

    E-Gobrecht (April 2022) 4/1/2022

    E-Gobrecht (April 2022)

    The monthly e-publication of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club. Includes an article on the old Adam Good Tavern in Taneytown, MD.

    E-Gobrecht 5/11/2022


    May 2022 issue, vol. 18, no. 5. whole no. 208.

    E-Gobrecht (June 2022) 6/6/2022

    E-Gobrecht (June 2022)

    Monthly e-publication of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club. June 2022, vol. 18, no. 6, whole no. 209.

    Includes article on deluxe editions of the Kamal Ahwash book Encyclopedia of United States Liberty Seated Dimes (1977).

    E-Gobrecht (July 2022) 7/19/2022

    E-Gobrecht (July 2022)

    Vol. 18, no. 7, whole no. 210.

    E-Gobrecht (August 2022) 8/4/2022

    E-Gobrecht (August 2022)

    Pre-ANA convention issue. Vol. 18, no. 8, whole no. 211.

    Quarter Of The Month Index 8/8/2022

    Quarter Of The Month Index

    Index to articles on Liberty Seated quarter die varieties published by Greg Johnson in the E-Gobrecht. Johnson's "Quarter of the Month" column ran in the E-Gobrecht from June 2010 to February 2022.

    E-Gobrecht (September 2022) 9/18/2022

    E-Gobrecht (September 2022)

    Monthly e-publication of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club. Post-ANA convention issue. Edited by Paul Kluth.

    E-Gobrecht (October 2022) 10/10/2022

    E-Gobrecht (October 2022)

    The monthly e-publication of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club. Features market observations from Todd Imhof and an obituary of club member Mel Hatfield.

    E-Gobrecht (November 2022) 11/13/2022

    E-Gobrecht (November 2022)

    The monthly e-publication of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club. Vol. 18, no. 11, whole no. 214.

    E-Gobrecht (December 2022) 12/15/2022

    E-Gobrecht (December 2022)

    Vol. 18, no. 12, whole no. 215.

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