U.S. Mint Press Releases
Press releases from the United States Mint, typically related to new issues but covering a wide variety of topics.
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11 entries found for [year:1973]
Displaying records 1 — 11Secretary Shultz Receives First 1973 Proof Coin Set
(United States Mint Press Release) Announces the presentation of the 1973 Proof Coin Set, which includes the first proof specimen of the Eisenhower cupro-nickel dollar; this is the first proof set to include specimens of all circulating coins.
Brooks Statement Regarding Plans For National Bicentennial Coins
(United States Mint Press Release) Secretary of the Treasury George P. Schultz sent a draft bill to Congress providing for design changes on the reverse of two of our coins???the dollar and the half-dollar???honoring our 200th anniversary.
Moving Day For Mint Employees
(United States Mint Press Release) Employees of the Mint's Special Coins and Medals, and Computer divisions move back to the renovated Old San Francisco Mint.
Inquiries Concerning 1964 Silver Dollar Coins
(United States Mint Press Release) The Bureau of the Mint issued the following information in answer to a number of inquiries concerning the authorization, production, destruction and possible recovery of 1964-dated 90 percent silver dollar coins.
Old Mint San Francisco Reopens June 1973
(United States Mint Press Release) The Old Mint in San Francisco re-opens to the public on June 16. The California Historical Society is sponsoring "The West Remembered" art exhibition from the 1837-1973 collection of Earl C. Adams of San Marino, California.
Mint Announces Sale Of 1973 Penny Bags
(United States Mint Press Release) 1973 Penny Bags become available in Denver, Philadelphia, the San Francisco Old Mint, and the Treasury Dept in Washington. The bags contain 15 uncirculated pennies and are replicas of Mint bags that transported coins to Federal Reserve Banks and branches.
Old Mint Building San Francisco
(United States Mint Press Release) This document contains a description and history of the Old Mint Building in San Francisco.
First Medal In Us Customs Series Commemorates Georgetown Customhouse
(United States Mint Press Release) The first in a series of medals commemorating America's historic customhouses will be unveiled at a ceremony to commemorate the Georgetown, Washington DC Post Office and Customhouse.
Miniature Restrike Of Historic Medal
(United States Mint Press Release) The Mint will feature a miniature restrike of the first medal authorized by the Continental Congress in 1776, "Washington Before Boston," at the ANA convention in Boston.
Launching Nationwide Competition To Select New Coin Designs For 1976
(United States Mint Press Release) National Sculpture Society to announce the national competition to select designs emblematic of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution for the reverses of the dollar, half dollar, and quarter dollar at the kickoff meeting on Oct 23 in Philadelphia.
Bicentennial Coinage Design Competition
(United States Mint Press Release) Treasury Department to award $5,000 to each of three winners of the National Sculpture Society's nationwide competition for reverse designs emblematic of the American Revolution Bicentennial for dollar, half dollar, and quarter dollar coins.