U.S. Treasury Press Releases
Press releases issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, mostly extracted from the compiled press releases at FRASER (online Federal Reserve Library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/6111.
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4 entries found for [year:1938]
Displaying records 1 — 4Jefferson Nickel Design Competition Announced
Press release announces $1,000 prize for the new five-cent coin, to be known as the "Jefferson nickel." Extracted from the series "Press Releases of the United States Department of Treasury" at FRASER (online Federal Reserve library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Assay Commission for 1938
The 1938 Assay Commission proceedings are announced. Includes list of Assay Commissioners. Extracted from the series "Press Releases of the United States Department of Treasury" at FRASER (online Federal Reserve library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Jefferson Nickel Production to Begin
Mint Director Nellie Tayloe Ross notes production of the Jefferson nickel will commence at the Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco Mints. Extracted from the series "Press Releases of the United States Department of Treasury" at FRASER (online Federal Reserve library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Coinage Production for 1939
Mint Director Nellie Tayloe Ross anounces the 1940 meeting of the annual Assay Commission. Extracted from the series Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury, accessed via FRASER (Federal Reserve System online library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.