U.S. Treasury Press Releases
Press releases issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, mostly extracted from the compiled press releases at FRASER (online Federal Reserve Library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/6111.
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6 entries found for [year:1948]
Displaying records 1 — 6Franklin Half Dollar Announced
Mint Director Nellie Tayloe Ross anounces the 1948 meeting of the annual Assay Commission. Extracted from the series Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury, accessed via FRASER (Federal Reserve System online library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Assay Commission Meets
Remarks by Treasury Secretary Snyder regarding the new Franklin half dollar. Extracted from the series Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury, accessed via FRASER (Federal Reserve System online library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Franklin Half Dollar Launched
Distribution of pieces to the public will begin April 30. Extracted from the series Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury, accessed via FRASER (Federal Reserve System online library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Franklin Half Dollars Now Being Struck
Nellie Tayloe Ross is sworn in to begin her fourth term as U.S. Mint Director. Extracted from the series Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury, accessed via FRASER (Federal Reserve System online library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Mint Director Starts Fourth Term
U.S. Mint production for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948 is detailed. Extracted from the series Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury, accessed via FRASER (Federal Reserve System online library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.
Domestic Coinage Production
Joseph N. Steel and William P. Kruse of the Philadelphia Mint received medal for dual coin-stamping machine. Extracted from the series Press Releases of the United States Department of the Treasury, accessed via FRASER (Federal Reserve System online library), https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/press-releases-united-states-department-treasury-6111.