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U.S. Treasury Press Releases

Press releases issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, mostly extracted from the compiled press releases at FRASER (online Federal Reserve Library),


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6 entries found for [year:1975]

Displaying records 1 — 6
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    Correspondent Memo on $2 Bill Announcement 10/29/1975

    Correspondent Memo on $2 Bill Announcement

    A memo to reporters on the date Treasury Secretary Simon would announce whether the $2 bill was to be reissued.

    $2 Bill Re-Issue Announcement 11/3/1975

    $2 Bill Re-Issue Announcement

    The announcement of a re-issue of a Series 1976 $2 bill.

    Fact Sheet on $2 Bill 11/3/1975

    Fact Sheet on $2 Bill

    Accompanying the announcement of a re-issue of the $2 bill, a fact sheet released by the Treasury on the note.

    Historical Narrative on $2 Bill 11/3/1975

    Historical Narrative on $2 Bill

    Accompanying the announcement of a re-issue of the $2 bill, a narrative from th Treasury describing the note's history, design, production, data on past printing numbers, and relevant images.

    $2 Bill Q&A 11/3/1975

    $2 Bill Q&A

    Accompanying the annnouncement of a re-issue of the $2 bill, a Q&A released by the Treasury on common questions about the reissue.

    $10,000 Gold Certificates Return Request 11/16/1975

    $10,000 Gold Certificates Return Request

    A reminder from the Treasury that $10,000 gold certificates recovered outside a 1935 Old Post Office fire are no longer worth anything and should be returned to the Secret Service.

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